Sunday, November 25, 2007

Discovering Web 2.0 Tools (#19)

Out of the short list of award winners, I checked out the music winner -  I love it.  It's a music stream that you tailor to your own taste, like the coolest radio station you ever heard.  You can enter the name of an artist you like and they will play songs they deem similar which you can then say you like or don't, or you can pick from an extensive list of genres and listen that way.  There is basically almost nothing not to like.  Since NYC radio has been taken over by giant media conglomerates, radio stations don't play anything but the biggest hits or the same old "classic" music we've heard for years.  If you want to hear anything different, you have to listen to college radio which has a lot of talking and isn't on a predictable schedule or pay for satellite radio.  So, this is free, and you can tinker with it to make it match your tastes.  I've already heard a few bands that are new to me that I'd want to hear more from.  The only negative features are ones that I don't blame them for such as the fact that, like with radio, you can't go back and play songs again that you liked, or bring up a particular song and play it.  If you could, it wouldn't be free and it'd be, well, itunes.  You also can't skip ahead more than 5 or 6 times, but you can't that at all on the radio.  I'm not sure that this would have any application for libraries, but it sure is cool.   

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