Monday, December 3, 2007

Ebooks (#22)

My feeling while browsing our ebook offerings was that we are not quite yet in the age of the digital book. Most of the available books seemed to be romances, manga, and how to books and not many of the types of novels I read. I don't have a PDA and would not want to read an entire book on my computer. None of the books I was interested in were viewable without downloading software. I did find two books I would be willing to download if I had a player: The Bartender's Bible and 365 One Pot Recipes. I would definitely read a recipe on my computer and often use websites for cooking. But, I knew I wasn't ready to use it enough that downloading the necessary software would be worthwhile. Ebooks seemed complicated to use, although maybe I didn't explore it fully. The books I looked at said something about having to be returned which I didn't really get. I am sure someday we will all be happy reading (and ruining our eyesight) with our PDAs or kindles or whatever we'll be calling them, but for now the benefits don't outweigh the negatives.

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