Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Technorati (#14)

I thought I was getting the hang of this web 2.0 thing, but Technorati has made me feel like an old fogey again. Maybe I'm not really down with "the blogosphere", because I had a hard time finding much of interest in the blogs listed in the Popular area. Many of the ones listed were highly technical, as if most of the bloggers out there are tech heads which they probably are, or at least compared to me. And, I already knew about many of the others like Boing Boing, TMZ, etc. I also found the constantly updating screen annoying. I know it makes the results more up to the minute, but give me a minute to focus on something before it changes please. I did find some stuff on Library 2.0. The directory search yielded the most relevant results. The tags and posts search gave me pretty much the same list of semi-relevant posts. The directory search found me blogs that directly addressed Learning 2.0 where the other two searches gave me any post that mentioned learning 2.0 in passing. If you're really into blogs, I could see using this, but I don't see myself doing so, until the blogosphere gets more varied.

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