Monday, October 22, 2007

#8 - Bloglines

This is one thing out of the 23 1/2 that I actually already use. It makes it very easy to monitor all the blogs/sites of interest and immediately see which ones have new feeds you haven't seen. It can also make you feel a sense of "i'm falling behind" panic when you see that something has 200 new entries that you haven't read and you've got to catch up. Of course, if all you have to catch up on is gossip, this is probably okay. I think a media professional probably gets a lot of mileage out of Bloglines. As a tool for monitoring your feeds, bloglines works extremely well, but when I tried to use it to get recommendations for blogs I might be interested in, I was not impressed. The "news" feature doesn't seem to work. There is never any news as far as I can tell, or maybe I am missing something?

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