Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing # 7 - One Laptop Per Child

I've been reading a lot about the so-called $100 laptop (now $200 dollars) which is supposed to be a low cost, extremely durable computer for kids in poor countries. The concept was developed by Nicholas Negroponte of MIT Media Lab and in November it will be available for purchase. I first heard about it only a few months ago and was intrigued because originally the battery was going to be charged by hand crank which I thought was an amazing idea. The newest design uses a pull charger or a solar panel which is still pretty cool. The computer will have a camera, a microphone, memory card slot, and game pad controllers. It won't have the usual software (like Microsoft word) installed on it because it is designed to work as an educational tool in whatever country it is being used in. It'll be plugged into a network, so kids can use it in a classroom setting. The fact that people are working on something like this makes me happy and hopeful. The idea has been criticized because some people feel that kids in developing countries need food and clean water more than computers, but I think giving kids computers will help them keep up with the rest of the world while we're all still working on the essentials too. It can't hurt. Here's a link to the last Ny times article about it:

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