Monday, October 29, 2007

Library thing (#11)

I really like the concept of library thing because I love to collect and to catalog. I also love to read - strange for a librarian, huh? I like the idea of creating my own folksonomy with my tags. The only criticism I have is that I actually signed up on Library Thing a few months ago and couldn't remember my username and password. Since the sign up process is so simple and doesn't require you to enter anything at all, there is no way to retrieve my account. I hadn't done too much on it, but still. It should be a bit more complicated to get onto it so they can help you if you lose track of yourselrf among the many usernames and passwords the Web 2.0 Society requires. Also, when I stopped using Library Thing, I began a goodreads account and now I am a bit too lazy to duplicate all that information on another site. Like so many of these 2.0 tools, Library Thing seems too ephemeral to me. I am going to create a "What I am Reading Now" widget for this blog and let's hope I can stay on top of it.

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